Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hit And Run Lawyers and Accident Laws

I usually thought that what’s the toughest of all fraternities, & I always came upon one conclusion that’s it’s the law fraternity, where you have to prove to a bunch of people called the jury the facts that you have just heard from your client & have not experienced them first hand, either its true or false you’re never 100% sure, but once you have vowed to take up the case & uphold his dignity right or wrong doesn’t matter & his argument becomes yours.

All lawyers have their distinctive touch & all have their own way to tackle clients depending upon their conviction, they all also have their own benchmark according to their worth & past achievements, but according to my analyses the breed that is called hit and run lawyers are the most witty & shrewd of them all, as they take up the responsibility & claim to save a guy who has just killed or injured a human being or damaged a public or private property with his car & then even more has sped away irrespective of what has happened to the poor soul. But then it’s also the other way round, that same lawyer may also take up the case of the victim & get him justice.

If we look at the latter this type of lawyer needs a lot of experience & expertise as saving a person from the shackles in such cases isn’t easy , the most successful of lawyers are the ones who can create an argument & confuse the judge in a very simple hit & run case, as if we see there is nothing confusing about this , a person has hit another person with a car & ran away, even if he didn’t succumb to his injuries its just human to stop & take him to hospital, but he ran away & that’s a crime in itself , so why the fuss punish this guy!
But no its not that easy when our actors come in , he will make the scene fuzzy for the thinker judge, he will be sprayed with new logics such as, the brakes failed! He was distracted by the police constable at the square! He suddenly came in front of me! But why didn’t you stop!!! Well I was scared it’s a simple human emotion, anyone can be scared , so he has created a point of thought that he didn’t murder him as it was not done intentionally & was out of accident, so half the case has been won, now the running away part is left, well the judge can show some mercy & let him off, but Mr. lawyer will probably go for a compensation amount & settle the dispute between the affected.

But if the same lawyer is fighting for the poor victim then he will pellet the judge with emotional statements & painful words that describe his client, he will tell the judge that he is the lone bread earner of his family, has old parents to take of, & has 4 little kids , he has vowed to bring tears in the eyes of the judge, he has to prove that the man in the driving seat is a criminal of law as well as a criminal of humanity, he was so god forsaken that he didn’t even bother to stop & take the guy to hospital , that means he had something to hide, he broke the law, it was a case of irrational driving , he was drunk, he was insane , he was behaving like a ruthless king.

So it certainly is an art to bend the facts according to your desire a hit & run lawyer is truly put to the test by taking up such a case, it’s a sort of litmus test , but it also depends upon the type of damages occurred & convictions levied , is the victim dead? Is he injured? Has the accused been arrested? Has he escaped? If the victim is injured then there is quite a lot of chance that the accused will be acquitted by whatever minor punishment the court gives him if his dead then it’s a long way down , its either severe punishment a sentence & fine mostly or if the victims family agrees then a handsome compensation or blood money.
Whatever the case these lawyers are Rambos in their field ready to take on any onslaught but never giving up on whoever has paid him or her a lofty amount to save him or her so they can again enjoy to ride their cars on the highway, on the roads, on the streets, because they know that there is always a chance of survival and they are never doomed & have a chance even if they hit & run after sorting out services of a hit and run lawyer.

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